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Today during my devos, I read Matthew 22 and was reminded of the command to love the Lord with my heart, soul, mind and strength. This is the greatest commandment. AKA a non-negotiable. There’s really no option as a believer. So if I’m not doing this, if I’m not giving the Lord EVERYTHING that I have, how can I expect everything else to fall into place?

I feel like the summer is a great time to be unwillingly stripped of distractions. I mean, I just moved back home from college, my best friends are scattered around the US, and my busy life has come to halt. Honestly, it’s God’s grace that I am virtually alone, because it is during this time that I have no choice but to lean on him.

So, step 1 of the summer is to focus on the Lord. I want to dwell in His presence. If I’m seeking Him with my whole heart, I WILL find him. That is a promise He gives in Jeremiah. I don’t need to seek people or opportunities…I need to seek God and those things will come to me. And if you seek the Lord, those things will come to you too.

With ALL that I am, I will love YOU.